CA Legislature Passes Senate Bill 145

On the last day possible, the California legislature passed Senate Bill 145.  The bill now goes to the Governor who has up to 30 days to sign or veto it.

“Senate Bill 145 has been controversial since its introduction,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “Due to the dedication of its author, Senator Scott Wiener, Senate Bill 145 was passed over the objections of the Appropriations Committee chair and despite multiple threats of physical harm.”

If the Governor signs the bill, judges will have discretion regarding whether to require an individual who performs certain sexual acts with a person 10 years or younger to register as a sex offender.  In the past, judges have lacked discretion in that area and as a result many gay men have been added to the sex offender registry.

ACSOL has supported Senate Bill 145 since its introduction and more than 100 members of ACSOL have testified in support of the bill during committee hearings.


California lawmakers pass bill to apply sexual offense laws equally to LGBTQ people

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That’s good news! But it’s so disheartening to keep reading how much the general public seems to misunderstand what the bill actually does. All anyone thinks this allows is making it perfectly okay for a 20-year-old to have sex with a 10-year-old.

Praise The Lord! Let fairness prevail for.LGBTQ, the law failed ME and hundreds of others on the Reg that had Real relationships not 1 nihht stands, suffered the judge wrath w/o any wiggle room to hear The Truth and the Jury ignorance of houth live less than 10.yrs apart. WOW ,.maybe Gov. Newsome signs k÷Epona Lorema.b I nit away from the Gov
Treating A sex worse than V sex .
Gov sign this has been So Unfair!
New youth in courts may prevail equal rights under the law.for.the same.youth that exists for str8 youth.
SO many under LGBT’s have been punished unfairly to this day, may it take affect pist Gov sig by 2021.
I am crying for justice.

So will a 25 year old having sex with a 15 year old have to register as sex offender? Will they still be charged with statutory rape?

Can someone that ACTUALLY understands this give me the CLIFF NOTES because what I’m understanding is that this makes it legal for 24 year old adult to have sexual intercourse with a “consenting” 14 year old, if that’s even a thing.

I don’t know if people are looking to be offended. But the law didn’t change by much.

Before if a straight couple that was 18 and 16 had P in V sex the 18 y/o wouldn’t automatically go on the sex offenders registry. But if the couple were gay and had anal sex the 18 y/o would automatically go on the registry.

It doesn’t say that someone can have sex with minors without consequences. It just doesn’t punish same-sex couples more severely than straight couples.

This article is SO POORLY WRITTEN that it gives people the wrong impression of the law. PLEASE read the law and edit the article! It says that judges will be given discretion on whether to register a person if they have certain sex acts with a child 10 years of age or younger. This is so not the law! Read it! Understand it! And if you can’t understand and write intelligently, shut up!

This is why California is a shit show. Anyone who has sex with a minor gay straight whomever should have to register and not “avoid” the registry. Y’all people in California can keep that energy over there we don’t play that on the east coast.

Just another showing of why the registry should be abolished, and that no amendment or modification will make it clearer, “better”, or useful in any kind of way.

To registry supporters, do you seriously carry a copy of your local sex offender registry around on the off chance that you might run into someone on it? Do you background check every single person you ever meet and leave your children alone with them if they’re not registered? Do you check the registry frequently and update the copy you keep? Do you dig into court records of individual offenses? Are you interested in the identities and locations of drug dealers, gang members, arsonists, burglars, or white collar criminals? If so, are you clamoring for registries for them to “protect” you? If the answer to ANY of that is “no” (though that is the most likely the answer to ALL of it), then the registry does absolutely nothing for you beyond increasing your taxes to pay for it.

Brace yourself, but the politicians have been lying to you. Recidivism of convicted burglars and drug/alcohol offenders (users and dealers) are at least 5 times that of sex offender registrants (the overwhelming majority of whom are arrested for registry violations, if anything). Every law they propose in simple pandering to you and, more often than not, lining their own pockets or those of their associates. Those same politicians that you think are protecting your children would kill and eat your children in front of you if it would get you to keep electing them. Honestly, as everyone complains about how incompetent government is at everything it does, why would anyone entrust their family’s security and welfare to it?

The government can only deal with crimes after they occur. They cannot and will never be able to prevent crime of any kind (nor do they want to, evidenced by the child porn and entrapment stings they persist in). Protecting yourself and your family is YOUR responsibility, not the state’s. The more you rely on the state to protect you, the more vulnerable you become.

This is not a sexual orientation specific bill. It is conduct specific and applies to all combinations of genders and all sexual orientations. While same sex couples would be, for lack of alternatives, be more impacted by this, it is not a homosexual issue, and certainly not a gay male issue. Sen. Weiner is shamelessly pandering to his base by packaging it that way.

Fundamentally, this restores Hofsheier. That is a good thing. But specifically, the inclusion of the age band is problematic at best. Those are always absurd. Because a 17 year old having a relationship with someone who is 3,651 days older, while still a crime, is not so bad. Same 17 year old having a relationship with someone 3,652 days older renders the other person a threat to society that must be tracked. I have seen cases where trained jurists are figuring out the significance of minutes in the time of birth between “perpetrator” and “victim”.

I expect this bill to be challenged and enormous resources spent on it. The only person really benefiting is Sen. Weiner.

Providing discretion to judges is always a good thing. This seems like a victory to me. Kudos to ACSOL for helping it pass.

What I find interesting is that all these people come out of the woodwork now as though SB 145 is introducing something entirely new, which we know that it is not. It is instead updating already existing laws. If these people are so concerned about the possibility of say a 17 engaging in sexual activity with a 27 year old, where were they all this time? The very thing they are so adamant that SB 145 is allowing was already in place before the introduction of this bill.

So my question is this: what is the narrative being espoused that people are believing that is making them believe all emotional and unable to think critical—not to mention forget how to read?

Again, another example of people either unable to read without comprehension or honesty.

It is important to again note the use of punishment in connection to the registry. For this person, the punishment *is* the registry, as he makes a passing comment that a person may receive other types of punishment.

This is the problem that is faced, people turning off their rational brain in exchange for emotional hysteria. No one, not even one person is either saying or implying that sexual activity with a minor is okay and should be allowed; no one is arguing for the decriminalization of sexual abuse. However, somehow this is the narrative that the masses want to roll with as though it is based in actual fact.

It’s sure hard to reason with unreasonable and emotional people.

“The California Supreme Court upheld the legal difference in 2015, arguing that because vaginal intercourse can lead to pregnancy, forcing a father to register as a sex offender would subject him to social stigmatization that could make it difficult to find a job and support his child.“

Anybody know this case? It’s like the CA Supreme Court is just taunting people on the registry.

Anyone know how we can find out who voted yay and who voted nay

Thanks for the interestingly enough for Senator.Wiener’s bill passing the 2nd time around w/o Ms. San Diego’s nose her radical values. LGF
Oops, politics.
We needed to know, now Gov will come through. LGBTQ sufferers.dont want a repeat of our younger LGBTQ youth to.go.through what we’ve been posted as! THX SB145 decades too late…4 decades to be exact but its about time!